Chris Keating grew up around the palm trees and smog of Los Angeles’ inland valley. After graduating from the University of La Verne with a degree in journalism, he attended Princeton Theological Seminary and received his M.Div in 1987. While at Princeton, he met his wife, Carol, who is also an ordained Presbyterian minister. In 2006, he received the doctor of ministry degree from St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, MO. Chris and Carol are the parents of three grown daughters and one teenage son. Chris is a member of the writing team for The Immediate Word, a publication of, and was a blogger for the  St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Faith Perspectives page. He’s the author of "Charged With Grandeur," a book of sermons dealing with the environment. Chris has also written for Presbyterian and Church of the Brethren publications. Since 1987, Chris has served three congregations as pastor or associate pastor.

In 2022, Chris was appointed to be a chaplain for the St. Louis County Police Department, serving the West County Precinct by offering spiritual assistance, counseling, and pastoral care to police officers, their families, and the community. 

He has received additional training as a Healthy Congregations facilitator, as well as training in conflict meditation from the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, and an earned a certificate in environmental ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary in 2013. Chris has been at Woodlawn Chapel since 1999. Give him a call at (636) 458-3009 or email him at if you want to talk about church, growing in faith, or even to swap recipes for an awesomely authentic Chicago-style Italian beef sandwich. He can also be found on Facebook and on Twitter at @Revckeating

To contact Rev. Dr. Chris Keating, Pastor please use the form below.
Or call: (636) 458-3009