Woodlawn Chapel is committed to equipping families and youth for faithful living

Our commitment to ministry with youth is honored by these intentions:

  • To call young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • To respond to the needs and the interests of young people.
  • To work together, youth and adults, in partnership.
  • To be connected to the whole church, community and the word.
  • To include all young people, reaching out and inviting them to belong to the community of faith.

Opportunities for our youth include the following:

Youth Church 

Youth Church gives youth a chance to worship with their families while also participating in an informal worship conversation with youth in grades 6-12. It meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.  We will start our service in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am and then take our act on the road to the Youth Room following the Children’s Sermon.


Youth fellowship

Opportunities for fun, food, and fellowship. Watch for your email Youth News, or contact Carol Stepp.


Our youth are involved in mission projects throughout the year. Special projects often involve Faith Buddy mentors, weeklong service trips, and ongoing visits to local food pantries, shelters, and other events. Our youth are also leaders in the church, serving as Sunday morning liturgists, as elders and deacons, ushers or VBS volunteers. 


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